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The Norwegian Base Camp
scrapbook of Norwegian team tents and dog tents plus hatch to underground village
wooden hut voce the ice and picture of crew digging into the ice

Living on an Ice Shelf

Amundsen named his camp Framheim. It means “Home of the Fram.” Only Amundsen and eight men stayed in Antarctica. They dug into the ice to create a stable base for their wooden hut. 

crew member standing in front of entrance hatch into the underground village under the ice

An Underground Village

During the winter, the men dug a network of tunnels and rooms under the hut. These rooms included workshops where they prepared and fixed equipment for the upcoming journey. There was even an underground bathroom and a sauna!

“We did not stop until we had a whole underground village.”  – Amundsen

dog tents on the ice and a close up of one of the dogs

Dog Tents

Where did the dogs sleep? With over 100, they needed a lot of space! Eight of the 14 large tents surrounding the house were just for dogs. 

Image Credits:

Franheim, entrance to hut, dog tents, foundations, and tents, courtesy of Project Gutenberg; Amundsen, © AMNH.