Frontiers Lecture: Spinning the Cosmic Web

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

7-8 pm ET

Rendering depicts clusters in space with a grid that indicates their relation to one another.
What is the fabric of our universe, how did it form, and how is it evolving? 

Astronomers investigating this question recently constructed the cosmic web of galaxies, a complete census of the local universe. Join Tom Jarrett, lead scientist of the IDIA Visualisation Lab at the University of Cape Town’s Department of Astronomy, and Brian Abbott, assistant director of the Hayden Planetarium, as they unpack how small perturbations, gravitational instabilities, and spacetime expansion provide insight into the structure of the very early universe and its evolution over eons.

Fly through the most complete 3D map of the local universe as astrophysics educator Irene Pease virtually pilots through 2MASS Redshift Survey data, a seminal redshift survey, and bring into sharp focus how the cosmic web regulates and transforms galaxies across time.

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Support for Hayden Planetarium Programs is provided by the Horace W. Goldsmith Endowment Fund.